About Leather Machine Co
Everyone has seen what is going on in the Sewing Machine world. Most of you know me as being an honest, hardworking, man who will go out of my way for you, the customer. My customer service is well known and documented. The COBRA line of stitchers are made in the finest factories. You all know that price is not the deciding factor when purchasing a leather stitching machine. Recently a top salesperson told me that his customers preferred the COBRA over my competitors 4 to 1. After sewing on our machines, I am sure that you will agree. It all starts with my factories. My factories goes above and beyond when finding sub-contractors to make certain items for our machines. There are “A” factories, “B” factories, and “C” factories in China. You can be sure that you are getting nothing but the best when purchasing a COBRA machine. I know first hand that this is not the case from other companies. Price is no object when I purchase anything, and everything from our factories. The only thing that matters to me is quality.
I have no choice but to be better than the competition to stay in business. I will NEVER cut corners when it comes to my customers. Tony, my mechanic is the best in the world,(and I mean the world) at what he does. He has literally set up over 1000 machines to do what they are supposed to do.
He is the best. I urge you to really consider these facts before buying:
- The quality of our factories.
- Our mechanic (Tony).
- Our customer service

These are the main reasons that set COBRA machines apart from others, and remember…after the sale is more important than the sale itself, because after the sale goes on forever. In 6 months from now, if I can’t help you on your machine, and give you the service that you deserve, then what are you going to tell your friends? You can be sure, they are not calling me. But if I take care of you and you are satisfied and happy, then your friends are calling me. Word of mouth is a powerful tool, and I intend to use it to my advantage. I promise you (and promises were meant to be kept), that I will not let you down for as long as I’m alive.
Thank you, Leather Machine Co Crew