Where can you find high quality leather working machinery, supplies, tools and educational information all in the same place? All across the country, various trade shows are held for just this purpose. These shows are usually sponsored by a.
Warning: Sewing leather on a machine made for garment fabric could damage your machine!
Purchasing and maintaining equipment is an important part of owning a business because unreliable production will definitely limit your ability to fill orders. This is one.
It’s a part of the American Dream – to be one’s own boss and earn a living by selling quality crafted goods. Why a leatherworking business? Leather is an incredibly valuable and versatile commodity. Products made of leather fit.
Has this ever happened to you? You’re sewing leather holsters for a military and/or law enforcement application on your industrial leather sewing machine and you come to the part where the belt attachment clip is, but you can’t sew.
The density, weight and texture of leather vary. You may have seen videos on the internet that show home machines sewing leather. Although a home machine is able to sew some lightweight leather, it may not be adequate to.