Forums We cannot say enough about how important it is to have access to leather working and leather craft knowledge. That is why we highly recommend visiting these quality forums that will give you access to that knowledge base.
Leather Pros – designed to aid leather crafters all over the world with the best advice available. It is unique in that it allows you to reach and talk to professionals in the leather working and leather craft industries. All of the “Resident Pros” are well established in the Leather Industry and have the credibility, integrity, and respect from all. is a one stop website that offers services, products, advice and help. We hope you are completely satisfied with your experience while on – Is the world’s largest and fastest growing community of leatherworkers. With than 7500 registered members, more than 127,000 posts, hundreds of photo tutorials, and the thousands of images that the site has collected, is currently by far the largest repository of leather working knowledge, and the most active leather working community on the web or in the world. , dedicated to education, entertainment & fellowship!